It's that time of year again. Top 10 lists for everything. Trust me. For some of them, I can't figure out how they came up with a top one, much less 10. I was going to piggyback on this cliche and give you my top 10 Alaska stories for 2014, but then I got a grip on myself.


You're welcome. I decided instead to look ahead at what will be a giant war in Alaska in the upcoming year. I figured maybe we needed to start rallying the troops to battle.


A few weeks ago, I went into town to shop for groceries. As I walked into the market, a man with a clipboard asked me, "Would you like to protect salmon?" 


I flashed him the back of my phone, with its a well worn "No Pebble" sticker, like a badge of authority. He wanted me to sign a petition to shut down setnetters in Cook Inlet, which is apparently an experiment to let sportfishermen catch more kings on the Kenai River. 


I asked the guy a few questions. Granted, he's paid to get signatures and isn’t expected to know much beyond his "Protect the salmon" pitch, but he was truly clueless. 


Read the full story at Alaska Dispatch News>>

Want to read more about Cook Inlet setnetting? Click here

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