Kodiak’s Fisheries Work Group is honing in on a plan of attack for fish politics this week. In October the North Pacific Fishery Management Council moved forward with a proposal for managing Gulf of Alaska trawl bycatch. The hope is to analyze a set of alternatives before the next council meeting in April, and folks in Kodiak are working to weigh in on that.


Assemblywoman Chris Lynch sits on the fisheries work group and said there will be a meeting on Wednesday morning to discuss the council’s management actions.


“So we’re working on developing a list of key points for discussion. And we’re going to start to present that stuff this coming week. And it’s merely a starting point for how the community wants us to move forward. What now the alternatives are – now we need to decide what’s best for the community as part of those alternatives and what we want our say – how we want the council to review all this.”


Read the full story at KMXT-FM>>


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