For the second year running, the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute’s annual meeting is fully virtual.

What to expect

The four-day conference runs this week — Tuesday through Friday, Nov. 9-12 — and includes an economic outlook for Alaska Seafood through domestic and global channels.

The meetings will be hosted on Zoom this year, and all links are available at the ASMI site

ASMI: All Hands On Deck

Tuesday kicks off the conference with opening remarks from Executive Director Jeremy Woodrow and Alaska’s federal delegation, as well as an Alaska Seafood Around the World discussion with domestic and global industry foodservice leaders, and a Responsible Fisheries Management Q&A.

CAP Roundtable: Alaska Seafood Around the World


Two full days of committee meetings — Wednesday and Thursday — will break out discussions to more focused topics of Alaska species and marketing efforts. The Salmon, Whitefish, Shellfish, and Halibut/Sablefish committees will all convene on Wednesday.

Salmon Committee Meeting

Whitefish Committee Meeting

Shellfish Committee Meeting

Halibut & Sablefish Committee Meeting

Thursday morning the Domestic Marketing & Communications committees will host a joint discussion, with individual committee meetings in the afternoon. International Marketing also meets Thursday morning, and Seafood Technical rounds out the operational committee meetings on Thursday afternoon.

Joint Domestic Marketing & Communications Meeting

International Marketing Committee Meeting

Communications Committee Meeting

Domestic Marketing Committee Meeting

Seafood Technical Committee Meeting

Friday will wrap the conference with an Economic Update, reports from the committees, and the final ASMI board meeting.

Although many of us are missing a trip to the Anchorage-area gathering to meet face to face, a virtual conference is far more accessible for a global and broad domestic reach, which aligns with ASMI’s goals for All Hands on Deck. I hope you will join us!*

See the full agenda and supporting documents at ASMI’s All Hands portal on the (newly redesigned!) site.

*Full disclosure: I serve as a member of the ASMI Communications Committee.

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Jessica Hathaway is the former editor in chief of National Fisherman.

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