A 45-foot fishing boat carrying several hundred pounds of salmon flipped over and capsized near Valdez on Friday, Coast Guard officials said.


None of the four adult crew members on board were injured in the incident, which was reported about 6:15 p.m. on Friday, according to a Coast Guard statement issued Saturday. The Homer-based fishing boat Elohim was passing through Port Valdez when it flipped over, said Coast Guard spokeswoman Lt. Allie Ferko.


The cause is under investigation, Ferko said.


The four crew members were in the cabin of the fishing boat when it started to roll, Ferko said. Two managed to climb out the window of the cabin, and the other two escaped out the back door of the cabin, she said.


"And they actually climbed, as it was rolling, onto the bottom of the boat," Ferko said.


Read the full story at the Anchorage Daily News>>

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