With 92 percent of its seasonal allocation projected to have been landed, the inshore Gulf of Maine herring area 1A officially closed at midnight Aug. 3, with zero landing days until Sept. 30, according to Maine state officials and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.

As prescribed in Amendment 3 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Herring, vessels participating in other fisheries may not possess more than 2,000 pounds of Atlantic herring per trip per day harvested from Area 1A.

In addition, all vessels traveling through Area 1A must have all seine and mid-water trawl gear stowed.

Atlantic Herring Management Board members from Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts are expected to reconvene in September via conference call to set effort controls for the 2021 Area 1A fishery for Season 2 (October 1 – December 31). An announcement will be issued once the meeting is scheduled.

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