The Southeast Alaska Fishermen’s Alliance recently announced that the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation has awarded the organization a Hollings Grant to reduce whale entanglements in Alaska salmon fisheries by increasing the use of acoustic whale pingers to minimize entanglements in fishing gear.
SEAFA under this grant will rebate $25 per whale pinger purchased after May 1st, 2016 for up to 5 pingers per Alaska salmon permit/vessel. Rebates requests must include the original sales receipt and the rebate form available on our website or at your local reseller. Signing the rebate form means that you agree for your contact information to be stored and if asked to answer questions about your pinger use by scientists. Rebates will be issued on a first come basis until all funds are used.
Whale pingers emit a sound to alert baleen whales that there is something in front of them. The sound is not harmful to the whales, but just provides them a notice to be watching out.
For more information, visit the SEAFA website.