The mediation process between Alaska Seafood Processors Association (ASPA), the client group for the Alaska salmon Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certificate, and the group of applicants seeking access to the certificate in time for 2015 harvests has failed.

During the mediation meeting on Monday, the ASPA denied applicants access for the 2015 season, Stefanie Moreland, director of government relations and seafood sustainability for Trident Seafoods, told Undercurrent News in an email on Tuesday afternoon.

"The parties were unable to reach a certificate sharing agreement through mediation," Moreland said. "The details of the mediation proceedings are confidential."

The mediation meeting addressed whether ASPA would let the Trident-led group of now 19 processors seeking access to the MSC Alaska salmon fishery certificate join their MSC client group — a decision that determines whether the majority of Alaska salmon will be eligible to carry the blue ecolabel for product caught this summer.

Read the full story at Undercurrent News >>

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Jessica Hathaway is a Fisheries and Seafood Senior Consultant for Ocean Strategies and is a former editor of National Fisherman.

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