Integrity Machining, Inc. is a worldwide supplier of high quality Kolstrand, JKFAB and Nordic brand marine products. We are your one stop marine equipment manufacturer, providing high value equipment including power blocks with power grips, long line and crab pot haulers, anchor winches, gurdys, davits, and purse seine winches, etc. principally for the North Pacific and West Coast fisheries.
From the founding of our brand’s in 1929, and following the acquisition of the Kolstrand Marine product line in 2008 and the JK Fabrication and Nordic Machine product lines in 2020, Integrity Machining continues to grow, offering proven equipment and service to the commercial fisheries markets.
Kolstrand, JKFAB, and Nordic brand marine equipment is manufactured and fabricated in non-corrosive marine grade stainless steel and aluminum by personnel with over 100 years of collective experience. Integrity Machining has recently moved into significantly expanded space in Marysville, WA and added to its production capabilities by acquiring CNC machining equipment. In addition, our call center is staffed with experienced application specialists to assist customers in the selection of their equipment.
Kolstrand’s online store,, not only offers marine products, but makes it easy to find parts and information grouped by fisheries, and includes exploded view diagrams, pictures, installation and maintenance information.
Integrity Machining’s Commercial Division supports commercial and industrial marine organizations including boat manufacturers, repair yards, charter fleets and the world's fishing industries. Our engineering team has deep knowledge to approach complex engineering challenges.